MIRAcle - Polish manufacturer
of Electronic Magnifying Aids

Pearl 5, Exigo, Spider, Admirabilis …

MIRAcle Sp.j. formerly Brawo Sp.J. since 2012 has been a manufacturer of specialized equipment and MIRAcle software. Our products include award-winning Pearl5, Admirabilis electronic magnifiers, Exigo and Spider portable double-screen magnifiers, Pulchra Es stationary magnifier. all devices are medical devices designed and manufactured in Poland in accordance with the ISO -13485_2016-04E standard.

We invite specialists in the field of diagnosis and rehabilitation of visually impaired people working in specialist centers, psychological and pedagogical clinics, private offices and support centers who want to use MIRAcle enlargers in their work. It is possible to rent equipment free of charge and conduct training in operation.


MIRAcle Robert Bieganski
Malgorzata Bauer Sp.J.
ul.Piotrkowska 145
Lodz 90-434, Poland

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